How do cold plate freezers work?

In plate freezers, narrow passages inside the plates are used to allow refrigerants to flow. Between the plates, the bundled goods are tightly pushed. It is possible to achieve high rates of heat transmission between the packed products.

Condensing units and evaporator coils are used in the construction of cold plate cabinets. The condensing unit feeds refrigerant through the walls via the copper evaporator coils when the cabinet is plugged in, freezing the walls in the process. The refrigerant pipes within the cold plates cause the plates to freeze.

Buying plate freezers for your business

Block freezing of raw and packaged items may be accomplished with plate freezing technology, which offers a variety of benefits through the use of direct contact heat convection. When you need to freeze a huge quantity of items in a very short amount of time, one of our pre-owned plate freezers is the best option …